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Having a healthy level of self-confidence can help you become more successful in both your personal and professional life. It affects the way you present yourself to others and can drive you to pursue your goals.
Sounds great right, but being confident isn’t always so easy, so we’re here to help boost your confidence.
Definition of Self-Confidence?
Self-confidence is a feeling of trust in your abilities, qualities, and judgment. It is vital for your psychological well-being and overall health.
Being self-confident can give you a general sense of trust in your ability to control your life and the belief that you are capable of successfully meeting your goals.
A self-confident person knows their strengths, and weaknesses and has a positive view of themself. They set realistic expectations and goals, communicate assertively and handle criticism well. They do what is right, even if it’s unpopular, are willing to take calculated risks, admit to their mistakes, and can learn from them.
We need the confidence to feel strong and empowered, here are a few mental hacks that’ll boost your confidence and generate positivity in your life.
Tips to Build Self-Confidence

Get To The Root Of It All
In order to solve a problem, you need to know what the problem is. Where does your confidence lack, and when do negative thoughts and self-doubt take you over? Do your insecurities relate to your weight, knowledge, or your performance in school?
Once you get more specific, you’ll know what you’re fighting to change and it’ll seem more tangible to gain more confidence. Building up self-esteem will be hard, but having a general direction can help you channel your energy wisely.
Make changes in areas where you feel like you’re lacking by practicing or taking a few lessons. This will help you acquire new skills and gain new experiences. As you get better at past skills and develop new ones, you expand your capabilities and organically grow your confidence.
Cut Out The Self-Limiting Beliefs
Whether they’re from outside noise, limiting beliefs might have you focused on what you can’t do or what you might never accomplish.
Quiet those negative thoughts that tell you that you can’t do something. Take on an uncomfortable situation or try to tackle a new hobby. Prove to yourself that you can succeed.
Recognize What You’re Good At
We’re all good at something, dancing, creating content, cooking, or being there for others. We tend to enjoy doing things were good at and doing it more will only make us better at it. Which in turn will boost your ego and self-esteem.
Look At What You’ve Managed to Achieve So Far
Believing you cant achieve much makes you lose confidence in yourself. So taking a step back and evaluating what you’ve managed to accomplish so far can really help you gain some perspective.
At some point in our lives, we’ve wanted to be exactly where we are right now. This could be gaining or losing a certain amount of weight, passing a test, or learning to cook your favorite meal.
Make a list of all your accomplishments and keep adding to it as you go. This will be an excellent pick-me-up for days when you’re feeling particularly down.
Celebrate all the little things as much as you celebrate the big things.
Dismiss The Negative Talk
Negative talk can do damage to your self-confidence, so boost your confidence by using positive affirmations to transform your mindset. Positive affirmations can have a lot of power over you and so can negative talk.
When you catch yourself, or someone else, talking negatively about yourself, counter that with a “yes and,”. For example, someone might point out that you’re poor at communicating, you could answer that with “Yes and, I make up for it by being there when it matters.”
This not only acknowledges that you know and accept your weakness but understand that you have strengths too.
And remember, speak to yourself like you would speak to your best friend and hype yourself up.
Face Your Fears Head On
Fear can make us feel lost and like we have little to no control. When we are in control we harbor a sense of confidence and comfort.
Face what fears you have head-on, by doing so you actively go after what scares you and eliminate the fear altogether. This will help you regain your confidence because you’ll feel more capable and give you the sense that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind on, even your fears.
Set yourself a goal surrounding your fear, don’t allow doubt to creep in, just take a leap of faith and trust yourself. Achieving this will increase your self-esteem and you’ll have a new accomplishment to add to your list.
Don’t Compare Yourself To Others
Comparing yourself to others can take a big hit on your confidence. And this has become even easier to do in the age of social media. You can easily find yourself comparing yourself to someone your age that seems to be much further along in their life than you are.
You create this gap in yourself between where you are in your life and where you think you should be. This can make you feel like you failed or lack in your life because others have managed to get so far.
It can be hard to remember that those other people are not you. They too have gaps in their lives that they wish to fill.
Focus on your accomplishments and work towards completing your goals.
Be Kind To Yourself
Be gentle with yourself, even at times when you are self-critical. Think of what you would say to a friend in a similar situation and treat yourself with that same love and respect.
To be kind to yourself, you need to change your state of mind about yourself. Think of yourself as a confident, smart, beautiful person, and remind yourself of this daily or whenever you need to.
Be Assertive
Respects others’ opinions and needs and understand that you are owed the same respect too.
Start stating your opinions openly and don’t let outside noise decide what you think. But expect ridicule and understand that everyone is entitled to their thought on your thoughts, respectfully.
Say no when you want to, this will reduce the risk of you being overburdened and resentful about all the commitments and promises you make because you can’t say no.
Be True To You
Be true to yourself, be unapologetically you. Learn who you are and what you value and lean into that. Don’t stray away from yourself. this will only make you lose confidence.
You are the only one who has true control over how you view yourself and your self-confidence. Don’t allow yourself to stump your own growth. Learn to love yourself and build confidence from the inside out.
You are enough
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