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Taking this 7-day self-care challenge will help you concentrate on your health each day by setting self-care challenges.
Your choice to participate is already a step in the right direction. This 7-day self-care challenge is great for anyone who has been wanting to try out a 30-day self-care challenge but has been struggling to commit to it.
Are you ready to accept the challenge? Let’s get going. Each challenge aims to enhance one of the three different forms of your health—mental, physical, or emotional—all of which are crucial at this time.
We invite you to save the 7-day calendar to Pinterest and use it to keep track of your progress each day as you go.
Why Try The 7-Day Self-Care Challenge
Consider the following reasons why committing to anything for just 7 days might change your life:
- It enables you to widen your thinking and consider new options and ways of being.
- It’s much simpler to commit to something modest for just 7 days than it is to try to commit to something new right away.
- You can develop a new behavior into an ingrained habit in as little as 7 days.
- You gain self-assurance and confidence and a sense of success when you try something new.
The 7-Day Self-Care Challenge
Keep in mind that this challenge is for you, so adjust the daily challenges as necessary.
Day 1: Read A Good Book
Choose a comfortable spot to read a book or designate a zen area in your home.
It can be a nice retreat without ever leaving the house to get lost in something unrelated to what is currently happening in your life.
Anything goes as long as it gives you a mental respite and makes you feel more at ease (or energized) than you did before you picked up the book.
Reading is essentially a mindfulness practice. When we read, it demands all of our focus and compels us to be present.
Another fantastic way to advance our education is by reading. Maybe you wish to alternate between a novel and a nonfiction book.
As you set aside a little time each day to read, you’ll feel more confident and curious.
Related Post: 20 Books For Your Next Self-care Day
Day 2: Create A Morning Routine
With a morning routine, you can start your day off perfectly.
Add activities that will help you have the greatest day possible to your routine.
This may be completing a morning stretch, changing your bed, or sitting outside with a cup of coffee—whatever makes you feel ready to face the day.
Once you have it down, stick to it every morning for the rest of this week.
According to research, it typically takes 66 days for someone to develop the habit of doing something, but it wouldn’t hurt to try and consistently do it for 7 days, maybe it might just stick.
You may set the tone for the day by starting your day with a routine you enjoy.
Try doing something every morning that is just for you instead of waking up to your alarm, checking your email in bed, or rushing out to work.
I strongly advise challenging yourself to forgo technology during your first few minutes of the day because a healthy morning routine is essential for setting your day up for success.
Keep your phone out of the bedroom to do this. Some people might find this difficult, so be kind to yourself and keep trying!
Plan a quick, personal morning routine, and keep in mind that everything on your phone will still be there when you decide to pick it up more intentionally.
Make your bedroom a haven of relaxation and sleep by making a small investment in a basic digital or analog clock for your nightstand to wake you up in the morning.
Related Post: The Best Morning Routine For Your Mental Health
Day 3: Write 3 Goals Or Intentions For Yourself
Choose three goals or intentions that you have for yourself. A potent mental workout is to set an aim, whether it be physical, mental, or emotional.
The first step in achieving something is to map out what it is you want out of life or what you want to improve on.
As a reminder of your goals, write down these intentions and post them somewhere you can see them.
Even while it’s acceptable to not always follow through on your objectives, try to hold yourself responsible for the ones that you did.
Day 4: Take A Luxury Bath
Tonight, your goal is to unwind completely. Lie in a nice, long bath with candles, bubbles, and perhaps your favorite book or magazine.
Even though it might not seem difficult, taking a warm bath can be very beneficial.
In fact, a warm bath in the evening can not only improve your mood and encourage relaxation but also aid in improving your quality of sleep.
Related Post: How To Have A Luxury Bath: Steps And Products For Healthy Skin
Day 5: Start A Gratitude Journal
Consider your list of gratitude for today. Write down at least three things that you are truly grateful for in the morning before you start your day.
Make sure to use a designated journal for this, and continue starting your days with gratitude for the remainder of the self-care challenge.
You may increase your optimism, raise your self-esteem, relieve tension, and uplift your mood by concentrating on your thankfulness.
It’s also a terrific technique to maintain perspective amid hectic times and keep in mind that there are positive aspects and things to be thankful for.
Most people have chronic negative self-talk when they make a mistake. We want to be our own best friends, but it’s really difficult to think of nice, encouraging things to say to ourselves in the moment.
So making a list of what you are grateful for so you may tell yourself when you’re tempted to criticize yourself.
Then, set the alarm or appointment on your phone at least three times daily, and include your empowering self-talk in the event’s description.
Practice saying these things to yourself when the reminder sounds so that when the situation really heats up, you’ll be thinking about your new, loving self-talk.
Related Post: Journaling Self Care: What It Is And How To Do It
Day 6: Go On A Solo Date
It’s time to be a little more impulsive. Have a spontaneous date with just yourself.
Need inspiration? You could organize a fondue night, a picnic in your living room, a board game, a themed supper, a virtual exercise class, a fort to build, a scavenger hunt to plan, or dress up and spend a romantic evening by candlelight.
Setting aside time for oneself is crucial because feeling in control of our time and lives is a key component of effective self-care.
When we are continuously attending to the demands of others, we may feel exhausted, resentful, and hurried.
Making time for yourself, even if it’s only for an hour, is a terrific tool for having a date with yourself and doing whatever you want to do.
Whatever the activity and your resources, the emphasis needs to be on doing something you like to do.
It might be unwinding with a book, going for a stroll, catching up with friends, or [treating] yourself to a bite to eat.
Related Post: Solo Date Ideas For Your Next Self-Date
Day 7: Reflect On Your Week
You’ve successfully completed day 7 of the self-care challenge, congrats! Take a moment to consider the following questions as you consider the past 7 days as your final challenge.
- How do you feel now compared to when you first started?
- What day of the challenge was your favorite?
- What day of the challenge did you find the least enjoyable?
- What will you continue to include in your daily or weekly schedule?
I want to emphasize once more that as you begin this 7-Day challenge, try not to have any expectations and just be present.
Hold yourself responsible for keeping your promises, but do not be hard on yourself. You should be proud of yourself for making such significant progress as to be intentionally attempting.
It takes practice to do this. Remember to start out small and to be patient and kind to yourself as you go through the process.
I’m hoping you’re feeling great right now. Now choose your top assignments from this challenge. In order to establish your personal routine, start incorporating them into your days.
I would love to hear about your experience, so please leave a comment below or send me an email.
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