Every now and then, life gets the best of us, and we’re left feeling tired and overwhelmed, and just needing to unwind.
A spa day would help you get well-deserved rest, but fancy hotel spas can get pretty pricey and fast.
Setting up your own at-home spa is easy! Follow these easy steps to set up your pamper day in the comfort of your home.
Benefits of DIY Spa Day
1. Helps to destress:
A relaxing spa day at home is one of the best ways to relieve the week’s stress and quiet your mind.
No matter the treatment, you’re going to notice that your mind immediately begins to feel at ease when you pamper yourself and finally treat yourself to a rare and highly deserved moment of “me” time and a self-care day.
Just a few of our suggested relaxing at-home spa treatments will leave you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.
2. Enhances your sleep:
Getting proper sleep is vital, yet can be really hard to achieve. Many of us are so busy that we don’t have enough time in a day to get well rested.
With stress from work, school, relationships, and overall responsibilities, the time we do spend in bed can be stressful and our minds just don’t seem to want to shut off.
After a wonderful time of facials, self-pampering, and body treatments, your body will naturally unwind for a great night’s sleep.
3. Makes you a happier person:
As if you needed even more reasons, spas are healing to both your mind and soul. It allows your mind to clear out all your negative thoughts.
Add in the factor of being in your own home, so much serotonin and dopamine-you might just overdose.
This is why many people who suffer from depression choose to regularly treat themselves to a relaxing spa treatment and there are many more benefits to pampering yourself.
4. Self-Care:
If you’re looking to enhance your self-confidence, you can rest assured that plenty of these treatments are incredibly effective. You can use this chance to address any beauty concerns you may haven’t had any time to take care of lately.
Acne breakouts, split ends, dull hair, or any chipped nail you haven’t had time to attend to.
At the end of the day, you’re going to feel significantly better after you’ve treated yourself to this amazing pamper day in your at-home spa.
It’s only natural to feel your best self after pampering yourself. Whether you treat yourself with a facial, a pedicure, or an aromatherapy shower.
Either way, you can look forward to ending the night feeling radiant and the best version of yourself.
Step 1: Preparing for your Selfcare day

For the perfect at-home spa day, preparation is key. Having an at-home spa day checklist will help you figure out everything you need.
Have all your supplies ready and at hand to avoid any distractions and not break your flow of relaxation at any point.
Taking the time to ensure that you have everything you need allows you to stay in the moment and make this spa day the best you’ve ever had.
Step 2: Set the Scene for your at-home spa day
The reason why spas are so successful is that they know exactly how to engage all your senses, getting your mind and body instantly relaxed.
You can recreate this tranquil atmosphere with these simple steps.
–The Perfect Scent: Aromatherapy plays a vital role in helping your mind and body to relax and release. Consider setting up your diffuser with your favorite essential oils. I recommend lavender, chamomile, or eucalyptus for stress relief, especially after a long day.
–Create Ambiance with Lighting: Light a few of your favorite candles, dim the light and burn some incense. This will make your home feel warm and cozy, adding to the aromatherapy and relaxing scents from the diffuser.
–Set the Tone With Good Music: The right type of music can really make you feel like you’re in a luxury spa. The music can help drown out any noise around you and isolate you for your night. You can try using beach sounds or waves instead of music for an even more tranquil atmosphere.
–Get Cosy: Throw on a fluffy white robe and soft slippers, the warmth on your skin will really transport you to luxury.
Step 3: Spa Ideas: Activities and Treatments
Now that your scene has been set and you’ve acquired all your supplies. It’s time to relax.
Here is a list of activities and treatments that will leave you feeling pampered and refreshed.
1. Soak Away Your Day With a Warm Bubble Bath

Draw a hot relaxing bath and pour in a soothing bath salt or moisturizing bath bomb. Surrounded by your candles and calming music, your bath will set you up for the best spa day you’ve ever experienced.
-Use essential oils, bath salts, and a bath bomb for an aromatherapy bath time.
-To better enjoy your glass of wine, read your favorite book, or watch an entertaining show in your bath, set up your bath caddy to make your experience as luxe as possible.
-Invest in a jacuzzi mat, a jacuzzi bath mat is a long mat with suction cups under it. You attach it to the bottom of your bathtub and connect an air hose that blows bubbles into your tub, massaging your back in the process so are heated to allow for a more thorough massage.
–Meditate, quiet your mind, and be fully in the present. Focus on your breathing and reflect on the day you’ve had, really wind down, and allow yourself to relax.
2. At Home Steam Facial
Follow this six-step facial to make your skin feel purified and pampered.
–Cleanse: Start your home spa facial with pure, clean skin. Lift away any impurities with your favorite cleanser. Use it twice for a double cleanse.
–Exfoliate: Now follow up with a gentle face scrub, you can choose between a chemical or a physical exfoliant. Exfoliating can be vital in an anti-aging skincare routine, as it can help encourage healthier growth. Clean skin is healthier skin all around.
-Steam Facial: Now that you have a clean fresh face, we can use a facial steamer designed to work with essential oils and open up your pores. You can also use a pot and water to steam your face if you don’t have a steamer.
–Face mask: Throw on a replenishing and hydrating face mask to add moisture back to your skin.
-Facial massage: After you remove the face mask, treat yourself to a facial massage. Grab an ice-cold jade roller or gua-sha(that you’ve stored in your skincare fridge beforehand). This will boost blood circulation, reduce bags under your eyes, increase lymphatic drainage, and allows for the absorption of product into your skin.
–Moisturize: Finnish off your facial with your favorite moisturizer to really lock in the moisture.
3. Put on a Hair Mask
No matter what your hair care needs may be, a hair mask is always an ideal curly hair product to have for the health of your hair.
They are formulated to strengthen hair, moisturize hair and improve its condition and can ultimately reduce hair breakage, smooth frizz, make the hair more manageable, enhance shine, and feel less dry.
Throw one on before your bath or while you’re busy with your facial.
4. Give Yourself A Pedicure And At-home Foot Spa
As long as you have a handful of tools, it won’t be too hard to DIY your at-home foot spa.

–Step 1: Remove old nail polish with a cotton ball and nail polish remover.
-Step 2: Soak your feet in a warm foot bath. Add in a good Epsom salt if your feet are sore. Soak for about 10-15 minutes or until the water runs cold.
–Step 3: Trim and file your nails.
-Step 4: Give yourself a massage. Put on a good moisturizer and massage your feet and toes for a few minutes.
–Step 5: Remove oil with a cotton pad to allow the polish to go on smoother.
–Step 6: Apply your base coat then follow up with your nail polish.
-Step 7: Finnish it off with a top coat.
5. Pamper your Hands and Nails
Now that you’ve had a pedicure, treat yourself to a DIY manicure. Massage your hands and cuticles with a hand balm or cuticle cream.
–Step 1: File Your Nails to your desired length and shape.
–Step 2: Soak Your Nails, apply your favorite hand cream, then, soak your nails in warm, soapy water for a few minutes to soften the cuticles.
–Step 3: Push back your cuticles with a wet nail stone.
–Step 4: Apply a base coat, it will help the color go on smoothly and last longer.
-Step 5: Apply two coats of your color of choice, waiting in between coats to dry. (Apply thin layers for an even finish).
-Step 6: Apply a top coat to seal it all in.
For a more fun and modern manicure, try out our micro French manicure tutorial.
6. Exfoliate your Skin
After you’ve dry-brushed your skin, go in with a gentle exfoliant( preferably a chemical exfoliant to avoid irritating your skin too much).
This will help brighten up your complexion, increase circulation, and can give you a radiant healthy glow.
7. Try Out Dry Brushing

Dry brushing is a method of gently exfoliating your skin using a special firm-bristled brush.
Some people use it as part of their skin routine to try to restore firmness, get rid of dry skin flaking, and encourage blood flow to certain areas of the body. Dry brushing has roots in the healing practices of ancient cultures.
Brushing before a shower is best. The bristles of a dry brush can exfoliate your skin, and showering afterward should help wash away any dead, flaky skin cells.
Dry brushing unclogs pores in the exfoliation process. It also helps detoxify your skin by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymph drainage, it also makes it easier for the body to sweat and eliminate toxins in your system.
8. Have an Aromatherapy Shower
Maybe you don’t quite enjoy baths/or don’t have access to a bathtub. You can actually create a spa-like experience in your shower.
Hang some eucalyptus under your shower head for a boost of energy and relaxation. Take a hot shower with your favorite shower bomb to compliment the eucalyptus scent, I suggest using the …bath bomb to help you relax.
9. Have a Relaxing “Massage”
After a long day, your body may be sore and need to release some tension. Eucalyptus essential oils can help make everything better with their healing capabilities.
After a good rub down of this oil, you’ll feel almost as good as just having come out of a great spa aromatherapy massage.
10. Try a Lip Mask
Lip masks are easy and often forgotten—just pick an extra-hydrating balm and slather on a thick layer before bed, or whenever your lips are chapped.
This small thing can make a huge difference in the plumpness and appearance of your lips, allowing you to look your best all the time.
I hope you’ll make some time to try this at-home spa day. Taking care of yourself is important, and this is such an easy way to relax and unwind.